Harvard Coaches and Olympians Sleep Away (Medical and Release Forms 2023)

Please upload your completed medical forms to the link provided below as soon as possible before your camper’s stay at camp, ideally by Monday, June 5. 

Please retain a copy to bring to check-in or to hand in when you arrive on-campus for the first day of camp. We cannot allow any camper to remain at camp without a current and complete medical form. The Medical Forms include documentation of parental consent, allowing the camp staff to provide emergency medical attention for a camper if necessary, and basic health insurance information to be used if the camper requires medical care or prescription medication.

These are all in order for us to meet specifications set by our local Board of Health.

Medical Form/Medical History Form: 
The camper’s parent or guardian must complete the Health History Forms and sign the Release, Indemnity and Authorization for Treatment within 6 months of their camper’s stay at camp. A licensed physician must complete and sign the physical form, which includes a medical history, immunization records, and a physical examination report. 

Camper Insurance Card: Please provide the camp with a copy of both the front and back sides of your camper’s health insurance card.

Medication Administration Release Form: Camp: 
The Harvard Coaches and Olympians camp cannot administer any prescription or non-prescription medication brought from home to a camper without a complete 
Medication Administration Release Form. This form requires details including the name of medication, directions for use, and the patient’s name. A parent/guardian and a licensed physician must also sign this form.

Key Camp Documents including Emergency Contact and Medical History: (CLICK HERE)
Medication Administration Release Form: (CLICK HERE)


General Camp Docs and Authorization to Administer (Signed)

Insurance Card

Vaccination Documents

Save & Return

If you do not have all of the necessary forms, you can create an account to return to saved work.
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