Conference Grant | Sorin Fellows Program

The Sorin Fellows Program assists its Sorin Fellows to explore their interests and cultivate their gifts and talents through Center-supported internships and funding opportunities that reflect and advance the mission of the the dCEC: to explore, deepen, and articulate a robust understanding of human dignity, authentic human freedom, and the common good in light of the richness of the Catholic moral and intellectual tradition across a range of disciplines.
Sorin Fellows Conference Grants support undergraduate and graduate Sorin Fellows who seek to participate in and/or present a paper at domestic or international conferences and seminars.
— The proposal must make clear how the conference/seminar (1) serves to enhance one's academic and/or vocational endeavors, particularly in light of the richness of the Catholic moral and intellectual tradition; (2) aids to explore, deepen, or advance a robust understanding of human dignity, authentic human freedom, and/or the common good; (3) reflects and aligns with the mission of the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture. 
          — Proposals must include a link to the conference/seminar webpage.
— The budget must provide (1) start and end date of the proposed conference/seminar;(2) itemization of estimated expenses; (3) total amount of funding requested from the dCEC; (4) total amount of funding requested, any outstanding funding requests, and all funding secured through other sources (ex. Nanovic Institute, external grants, etc.). Applicants are asked to use and submit this budget template.
Questions?  Please contact

Biographical Information

Educational Information

Participation and Funding Records

0/500 words
I have previously applied for funding from the Sorin Fellows Program. *
I have previously been awarded funding from the Sorin Fellows Program. *

Uploads: CV/Résumé, Project Proposal, Budget (PDF or Word)