Aging and Disability Services | Referral Form

Preferred contact method(s): *
Best Time to Contact. Select all that apply: *
Primary language: *

Aging and Disability Community Partners

Which agency would you like to link this individual to? Select all that apply.

Please Note - We recommend selecting no more than two organizations at a time as each agency will reach out to you directly. Managing multiple contacts can be overwhelming. Once you've completed services with your selected organizations, you can always return to this form to request additional assistance. *

Dayle McIntosh Center Programs and Services

Select the primary DMC service needed from the list below: *
Mobility Management Professionals Program (MMPP) - Coming Soon! Please check back for more information on submitting a referral after 3/1/25. 

Assistive Technology

Please select needed DMC AT service(s): *
Select one or more: *
Are you a person with a disability? *
Are you at risk of falling, becoming injured, or losing your independence? *
Select one or more that apply to the individual's home safety: *
Durable medical equipment (DME) needed: *
DMC accepts donations of gently used working equipment (for example: wheelchairs, shower chairs, walkers, canes, and other equipment in good working order).
Items NOT accepted are wound care supplies, used commodes, and equipment in poor condition, with missing pieces or not in working order.
If you are unsure whether a donation can be accepted, contact us at (714) 621-3300.
Do you already have the device/software you would like training on? *
Do you have a visual disability (blind, low vision, visually impaired, etc.)? *
Are you 55 years or older? *
Are you currently employed and/or receiving services from the Department of Rehab (DOR)? *

Blindness/Vision Loss Services

Is the person 55+ years old? * 🛈
Does the individual have a secondary disability and/or chronic health condition? *
DMC is no longer accepting referrals for the Los Angeles area. 
Please note, as of 10/1/23 the following organizations will be accepting referrals:
Blindness Support Services: Blindness Support Services
Wayfinder Family Services: Wayfinder Family Services

Community Transition Services

Are they currently living in an institution such as skilled nursing, hospital or other facility? *
What medical insurance does the individual have? *

211 OC Services

Please select a 211 OC service(s): *

Alzheimer OC's Services

Please select an Alzheimer's OC service(s): *

Community Health Initiative of OC (CHIOC) Services

Please select a CHIOC service(s): *

Caregiver Resource Center Services OC (CRCOC)

Check all that apply for areas of interest for CRCOC services: *
Unfortunately this referral is not eligible for Caregiver Resource Center OC's services.
If you are in need of a caregiver, please contact In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) at (714)825-3000 or select Personal Assistant Services under the Dayle McIntosh Center in the Aging and Disability Community Partners section of this referral form (above). 

Office on Aging (OOA) Services

Please select an OOA service(s): *

Veteran's Services Office (VSO) Services

Please select a VSO service(s): *

Mint Health Solutions

Please select a Mint Health Solutions service(s): *
To help determine program eligibility for the Linkages Program, select only one of the following statements if it applies to you. *

Functionally-Impaired Adult (Age 18+) defined as one that meets 1 of the following circumstances:

  1. Impairment with completing 1 or more Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): (bathing, toileting, dressing, eating, breathing, and transferring/mobility)
  2. Impairment with completing 2 or more Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (managing finances, transportation, meal preparations, home maintenance, medications, communication OR Cannot manage one's own affairs due to cognitive or emotional impairment
Unfortunately, this referral is not eligible for the Linkages Program. Please reach out to 211 or for additional resources. 
Please select the area(s) you need assistance. Select all that apply to the Linkages Program: *

Please note, Mint Health Solutions does not provide emergency housing crisis assistance services, emergency medical services or emergency mental health crisis services.

To help determine program eligibility for Home Health Coordination, please select your health insurance: *
Unfortunately, this referral is not eligible for the Home Health Coordination Program. Please reach out to 211, or your health insurance plan for additional resources.
To help determine program eligibility for Telehealth Medical Evaluation, please select your health insurance: *
Unfortunately, this referral is not eligible for the Telehealth Medical Evaluation Program. Please reach out to 211, or your health insurance plan for additional resources

Deaf Services

Area of focus/support needed: *

Home Modifications

Does the individual have CalOptima insurance? *
Currently DMC is only able to provide home modifications for CalOptima members.
For CalOptima eligibility information, please contact CalOptima at (714)246-8400.
Are you a person with a disability? *
What type of home needs to be modified? *
Are you at risk of falling, becoming injured, or losing your independence? *
Select one or more that apply to the individual's home safety: *

Housing Services

Are you in need of assistance with an eviction or housing voucher? *
Please note: DMC is NOT able to assist with preventing evictions or obtaining housing vouchers. 
Resources can be found at DMC's website: Housing-Resources-updated-2023.pdf (
What type of housing assistance is needed? Select one of the options below. *
Are you interested in attending a housing workshop? *
Which housing workshop(s) would you like to attend? *
Are you a CalOptima member? *
Have you received CalAIM housing services before? *Please note, CalAIM housing services are only available once in a lifetime. *
Are you currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless? *
Select one or more that apply to your housing situation: *
Based on the information provided, the individual is NOT eligible for DMC Housing Services at this time. This referral will not receive a response unless another primary service is selected.
Resources for affordable, accessible housing can be found online at DMC's website:
Based on the information provided, the individual is NOT eligible for DMC Housing Services at this time. This referral will not receive a response unless another primary service is selected.
Resources for affordable, accessible housing can be found online at DMC's website:
Based on the information provided, the individual is NOT eligible for DMC Housing Services at this time. This referral will not receive a response unless another primary service is selected.
Resources for affordable, accessible housing can be found online at DMC's website:

Independent Living Skills

What skill(s) does the individual want to learn? Select all that apply: *

Information and Referral

Based on the information provided, the individual is not eligible for Nursing Home to Community Transition services at this time. Please select another service.
Please note: individuals must have spent at least 60 days in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) to be eligible for DMC's Nursing Home to Community Transition services.
Is the individual a Medi-Cal (CalOptima) member? *
Based on the information provided, the individual is not eligible for Nursing Home to Community Transition services at this time. Please select another service.
Does the individual have a reliable source of income or financial support? *
Does the individual have a residence they can return to? *

Peer Support Groups

Which peer support group(s) are you interested in? *

Personal Assistant Services

Disability type: *
What authorized services do you require from a care provider? Select all that apply.
Personal care:
Domestic tasks:
Scheduling: check the days and times of the week below that you currently require care.
Preference: *
Do you prefer a non-smoker? *
Do you have pets?

Youth Transition

Is the individual between the ages of 14 and 24? *

Additional Programs and Services

Select any additional DMC services needed from the list below:

Referral Notes

Release of Information

Who are you making this referral for? *
If you are making this referral on behalf of someone else, how did they consent to the release of their information? *
By my verbal affirmation, I consent to this referral and give the receiving agencies within this partnered network permission to share my information to the extent necessary to determine my eligibility for services. I understand this information will be kept confidential and will not be shared outside of the receiving agencies without my written consent. *

Referring Party Information

Thank you for your referral. The individual will be contacted per the information provided within 5 business days.
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