Real Dog Rescue Adoption Application

Thank you for considering adopting a dog from Real Dog Rescue.
Please be aware that our fees for adoption are $400 for adult dogs and $500 for puppies 1 year of age & under.  These fees help to defray the cost of spay/neuter, vaccines, fecal testing, preventatives and other medical needs.  You must be at least 21 years of age to submit an adoption application.
The adoption process is a multi-step process that includes vet and personal reference checks, home visits when applicable, and a willingness to work together to find a dog that is a great fit for you and your family. Our goal is not to put any dog in any home, but rather to put the best dog for YOU in your home.
Filling out this form is the first step, and we look forward to getting to know you. Please understand that Real Dog Rescue is run entirely by volunteers, so we thank you in advance for your patience. We ask that you be as accurate and truthful as possible in your responses, and remember there are no wrong answers. Now, let's get started. 

The Basics

Pet History

We require a vet reference.  If you do not have a vet, please list a personal reference.
Please contact your vet in advance, to have your records released to RDR.
Do you own other dogs? *
Do you have cats? *
If yes, are they indoors or outdoors?
Have you ever had to re-home a pet? *

Your Home

Do you own or rent your home? *
Which best describes your current living situation? *
Are you planning to move in the foreseeable future? *
Does your home have a fenced yard/area? *

The Right Dog for You

Do you work outside the home? *
Where will your dog be kept during the day? *
What are your plans for your dog (check all that apply) *
How active is your home? *
How active do you prefer your dog to be? *
Do you wish to adopt a: *
What age do you prefer? (check all that apply) *

Term and Conditions

By typing my name in the signature box below, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
I attest that all of the information provided is true and accurate. 
I authorize Real Dog Rescue to contact my current and previous veterinarian(s) for a reference and to confirm medical history for my current and previous pets.
I authorize Real Dog Rescue to perform a background check if necessary to ensure that I am a suitable adopter for a pet, and do not have a history of animal abuse/neglect or other such offenses.
The information contained in this application is material to the decision to place a dog into a home and becomes part of the final adoption contract.
In the event that you adopt a dog from Real Dog Rescue, you are agreeing here that the terms of the adoption contract are fully applicable even if you fail to execute the final adoption contract.  The adoption contract can be viewed at: