Building Stronger - Expression of Interest

Our Building Stronger project is all about continuing to build on the quality of our work and reaching more young people through sustained growth.
Companies can apply for additional support to build on your work with children and young people.
Find out more about the project at
The closing date for the final phase of expressions of interest is 31st December 2024.

Company Details

Region *
If you do not know the electoral ward that your meeting location is in, you can look it up here (search by postcode, then tick the appropriate type of ward and select 'Show names' on the list of overlays).

Leader Details

Role *

Application Details

To build stronger as a Company we would need the following support (please tick all that apply): *
Has your Company received CashBack funding in the last 12 months? *
Have you completed a Company Health Check in the last 12 months to identify your needs and set out your plans for the future? *
Confirmation *
The Boys' Brigade is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales number 145122
A registered Charity in England & Wales number 305969 and in Scotland number SC038016
Registered Office: Felden Lodge , Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL VAT Registration Number - GB 226 5444 67