Register for Leader Training Courses

Please complete the form below to register your young people for Leader Training Courses being run by BB Headquarters.
Youth Leader Training aims to enable participants to deliver the BB mission by equipping them with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to work effectively with children and young people. It is mandatory for anyone wishing to take a lead role within a BB Company.
Company Management Training aims to provide leaders with the necessary management skills and resources to undertake the role of Captain or Leader-in-Charge in an effective way. It is mandatory for anyone taking on a management role within the BB.
Safeguarding Training (Module 4 of Youth Leader Training) is available as a standalone module for leaders who wish to upskill themselves or refresh their knowledge.
Holiday Leadership is mandatory for any leader taking a lead role for a camp or holiday.
Camp Craft is mandatory for any leader taking responsibility for a canvas camp.
Expedition & Outdoor Leadership is a requirement for those training or supervising expeditions.
For more details about our leader training courses please visit
If your course category isn't listed below then there are currently no scheduled courses being run by BB Headquarters. To find details of courses being run locally by Battalions/Districts please visit or you can email to register interest.
This form will allow you to register up to 8 leaders in a single submission, to register more please complete the form a second time.

Booking Contact Details

Booking Details

Please select a course: *
(21 remaining)
(0 remaining)
Current Total:

Leader Details

Please enter details of the leaders being registered (the number being listed should match the quantity entered above):
 NameEmail AddressLeader Registration Number
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
Person 6
Person 7
Person 8
PLEASE ENSURE YOU COMPLETE THE ORDER PROCESS FULLY - If your course has a fee, on the final screen you will have the option to pay by credit/debit card or by bank transfer. You will see an on screen order confirmation and receive an email confirmation once your order has been completed succesfully. if you do not then it is likely you have not fully completed the order process.
The Boys' Brigade is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales number 145122
A registered Charity in England & Wales number 305969 and in Scotland number SC038016
Registered Office: Felden Lodge , Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL VAT Registration Number - GB 226 5444 67