Adventure Days 2024/25

This form is make bookings for the Adventure Days being held across England and Scotland during 2024/25.

We are offering two ways to book:

  • Provisional Booking – this enable you to hold up to 10 places for a period of 10 days, when confirmation and payment will be due (or they will be released to other groups).
  • Confirmed Booking – make full payment and confirm your places straight away.

If you have any questions contact us at

Please complete the form below to make your booking:

Company Details

Leader Contact Details

Adventure Day Booking Details

Total Number Spaces you would like to book for Hesley Wood Activity Centre (7th June): *
(12 remaining)
Total Number Spaces you would like to book for Fordell Firs Activity Centre (26th April): *
(0 remaining)
Please note: If you provisionally hold spaces you will need to make payment within 10 days, otherwise these spaces will be made available to other groups. The provisional hold option is to allow groups to promote the event to young people and get bookings in before confirming places. Details on how you confirm will be sent by email.


Please read and confirm agreement to the booking conditions below:
  1. Bookings are only confirmed once payment has been received.
  2. If provisionally holding spaces I understand that I will need to confirm spaces and make payment within 10 days, otherwise these spaces will be made available to other groups.
  3. All young people and leaders attending must be currently registered with The Boys' Brigade.
  4. Group leaders will be responsible for the conduct and welfare of their group members during the day, including full supervision and control at all times.
  5. By attending Adventure Days, individuals give their consent to be filmed and/or photographed for BB publicity purposes. If this causes any problems for individuals please inform
  6. Changes or cancellation are subject to agreement, no refunds can be made unless spaces can be resold. Additional persons can be booked within stated deadlines based on space available by completing this registration from again.
  7. The Boys' Brigade does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property or equipment.
  8. Groups are responsible for their own transport to and from the venue, and for arriving at the stated times.
  9. Further information will be sent out to groups that have booked at least 14 days before the day.
Confirmation *
PLEASE ENSURE YOU COMPLETE THE PAYMENT PROCESS FULLY - Please click 'Submit' below, and you will see an on screen order confirmation, if you are then confirming and making payment now you must do so by completing the online card payment. Once your order is complete you will recieve an email confirmation once your order has been completed succesfully.
The Boys' Brigade is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales number 145122
A registered Charity in England & Wales number 305969 and in Scotland number SC038016
Registered Office: Felden Lodge , Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL VAT Registration Number - GB 226 5444 67