Register for Virtual Skills for Queen's Badge

The Skills for Queen's Badge Course is for young people who are working to complete the requirements of the Queen's Badge.
BB Headquarters will be facilitating some virtual courses which will take place on Saturdays 2nd December 2023, 20th January and 9th March 2024. Each of these will take place from 2pm to 4pm. Please note that spaces are limited and will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Further details, including joining instructions, will be sent to the leader listed in the 'Booking Details' section nearer the time.
The form can be used to register multiple young people (up to 5) in a single submission, additional fields will appear as you add individual young people. If you wish to register for multiple courses or additional young people please submit a separate form.

Booking Details

I would like to book for the following course: *
Number of young people: *
Number of young people: *
Number of young people: *
Please ensure that the quantity entered above matches the number of young people that you enter details for below.

Young People Details

Young Person 1 Details


Young Person 2 Details


Young Person 3 Details


Young Person 4 Details


Young Person 5 Details

The Boys' Brigade is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales number 145122
A registered Charity in England & Wales number 305969 and in Scotland number SC038016
Registered Office: Felden Lodge , Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL VAT Registration Number - GB 226 5444 67