Accident Notification Form

If a child, young person, leader or anyone else sustains an injury whilst participating in a BB organised activity or event, the accident must be recorded in the Company/Church accident book with details of the injury, how it was sustained, and any first aid treatment given.
If the person requires professional medical attention (visit to GP, A&E, Minor Injuries Unit etc) either at the time of the accident or at any time as a result of the accident, then this Accident Notification Form MUST be completed and submitted. This is important as BBHQ has a duty to report these accidents to the Brigade Insurers.
If you have any questions please email or phone 0300 303 4454.

Company Details

Details of Captain/Correspondent

Details of Person Suffering Injury

The person is a: *
Where the person who has suffered an injury is a child or young person, please enter details of their parent/carer:

Accident Details


Details of Witness


Was the activity in which the accident occurred supervised? *

Accidents on Camps/Holidays

Did the accident occur on a camp or holiday? *


Confirmation *
This Accident Notification will be sent to BB Headquarters, who will be in touch if further information is required. All communications will normally be channeled through the Captain/Correspondent.
The Boys' Brigade is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales number 145122
A registered Charity in England & Wales number 305969 and in Scotland number SC038016
Registered Office: Felden Lodge , Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL VAT Registration Number - GB 226 5444 67