Minibus Permit Application Form
Please complete the form below.

Contact Details

Application Details

Do you already hold a minibus permit? *

Permit Details

Permits are granted under Section 19 of the Transport Act 1985 in accordance with associated regulations and, subject to conditions below. The permit will authorise the use of one vehicle adapted to carry not more than sixteen passengers for hire or reward in compliance with Section 19 of that Act and associated regulations.
What classes of passenger will you carry (In accordance with the Act)? * 🛈
Your attention is drawn to the following legal provisions:
• Any small bus used under the permit must comply with the conditions of fitness prescribed in regulations for such a vehicle used under a standard permit.
• Any vehicle used under the permit must be kept in a roadworthy condition.
• Any person driving the vehicle when used under a permit must meet the relevant driver licensing requirements.
• The permit does not authorise the carriage of passengers for hire or reward with a view to profit, nor incidentally to an activity which is itself carried on with a view to a profit, or in any circumstances other than those permitted by Section 19 of the Transport Act 1985.
• Any vehicle being used under this permit must be fully insured for the purposes authorised by the permit.
Permits will be valid for 5 years from date of issue.
Permit Cost *
Using a vehicle to carry passengers for hire or reward other than as authorised by your permit, or operating the vehicle with the intention of making profit, either directly or indirectly, is against the law. A false statement in order to get a permit is also an offence.
NOTE: A permit does not allow you to carry the general public, you are only authorised to carry those
groups of passengers as ticked below.
I confirm that: *
Signed By *
Once you have completed your selection click 'Next' below to be taken through to the order summary.
PLEASE ENSURE YOU COMPLETE THE PAYMENT PROCESS FULLY - You will see an on screen order confirmation and receive an email confirmation once your order has been completed succesfully. if you do not then it is likely you have not fully completed the payment process.
Got any Questions? Call us on 0300 303 4454 or email

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