2025 Show Team Sign Up Form

While showing you wish to ride: *
If we chose to do shirts, what size shirt would you like?
(One shirt is included with membership. Extra shirts may be purchased. Price to be determined.)
Please understand that these are unisex sizes when choosing. *

Signing the form below implies you have read the information Tally Ho Farm has offered about our Show Team.  You understand to get credit for a show the rider must show at least 2 days for an "A" rated how. A 5% discount will be given to your account for activities held within the barn such as Valentine’s Show, Halloween Show, and Summer Clinic. Upon signing up for show team, riders will be charged their membership fee. In addition to a membership fee the riders will pay a $100 show deposit into escrow for the first three months after signing up for show team. These deposits will be credited to the first three shows that members participate in during the year. Any member that fails to attend the three required shows within the current show team year will donate their deposits. Show team registration will be open all year; however, riders joining our team after January 15th will not receive show team attire. Deposits and Credits toward show team will not be retroactive. They will begin once the student has signed up.

Signature of Parent *