College Track and Posse Mentor Supervisor Approval

A faculty or staff member under your supervision has applied to serve as a mentor for CAE's College Track or Posse cohorts. Mentorship is a key part of how CAE supports these students, by ensuring they are connected with a staff or faculty member who can provide guidance, reassurance, advocacy, and encouragement throughout the students' Tulane journeys. Below is an overview of the mentor's responsibilities:
College Track Mentorship
  • 8  - 10 students per cohort
  • Weekly group meetings and biweekly individual meetings for the first two years
  • Training - CAE Mentor retreat in August
  • Monthly CAE Mentor meetings
  • $12,000 stipend for the first two years
  • Annual activity budget for group activities
Posse Mentorship
  • 10 - 12 students per cohort
  • Weekly group meetings and biweekly individual meetings for the first two years
  • Training - Posse national training in New York in June for new mentors, local training in July (in Los Angeles or New Orleans), and CAE Mentor retreat in August
  • Monthly CAE Mentor Meetings
  • $12,000 stipend for the first two years
  • Annual activity budget for group activities

Supervisor Approval

I, the undersigned, confirm that:
1. I have read and understand the role and responsibilities of a College Track and/or Posse mentor.
2. The applicant and I have discussed the time commitment associated with serving as a College Track and/or Posse mentor.
3. For Faculty supervisors: If the faculty member is selected, I agree to a course release each semester for the first two years of their mentorship.
Supervisor signature *
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