Donation Form
First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Street Address
Zip/Postal Code
Business Logo or Family Picture:
How did you hear about us? Como te enteraste del evento?
Church Ministry (ministerio de la iglesia)
Church & Event Facebook (Facebook de la iglesia o evento)
Someone Approached Me (alguien me comento)
Friend (amigo/a)
Event Flyer (boletin del evento)
Church Bulletin (boletin de la iglesia)
Other (otro)
Donation Details
How will we receive the items?
I will drop off at church office.
I will mail in.
I will email certificate.
Need someone to come pick up.
Address and Time we can pick up:
Describe to us what you would like to donate for our Auction:
Estimated Value
May we thank you publicly?
No, please keep my information anonymous
Name you would like us to use for your donation?
Donation Comments
Event Chair:
Michelle Quintanilla