Thank you for your donation.
We rely on donations from our supporters and
your pledge helps to keep us active. 
On the following pages, we have items we are in need of. We greatly appreciate all your help!
You can select both Monetary donations AND Items, or you can choose only monetary donations or item donations. 


Please bring your pledged item to our office, but first, please fill out this form so that we do not have repeated items. We greatly appreciate all your help!

Needed Drinks for Fiesta Drink Booth:
(99 remaining)
(118 remaining)
(118 remaining)
(122 remaining)
(0 remaining)
Silent Auction Pledge:
(0 remaining)
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(1 remaining)
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(1 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(1 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(1 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(0 remaining)
(10 remaining)
(0 remaining)
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