Jane Doe Lasting Memory Scholarship Fund

Jane Doe our beloved wife and mother died suddenly on mm/dd/yyyy. Tom, Peter and Susan (husband, son and daughter) have establshed a Lasting Memory Scholarship Fund in her name. The Scholarship benefits students at ABC High School in New Jersey who expect to attend XYZ State University of New Jersey and major in nursing.
Please help us preserve our mother's memory and legacy and assist in enabling a student's further education.

Contributor Information

Please complete

Scholarship Funding Goal

Our funding goal is: *

Family Initial Starting Amount for Scholarship Fund

The initial staritng amount from the family was $2,500.00


To contribute, please select "One Time Donation" or "Recurring Monthly Donation" and choose amount:
Select: *
To preseve the memory of Jane Doe we recommend a recurring donation. This will allow us to offer yearly scholarship. You have the option to cancel at anytime.
One Time Donation
Recurring Donation
Indicate Time Period (Cancel anytime) *
Authorization (Write signature with your mouse below) *

Tax Deductibility

Donations made to a Lasting Memory Scholarship program fundraiser are generally considered to be personal gifts and aren’t guaranteed to be tax-deductible. Check with a financial or legal advisor to determine tax deductibility of a contribution.

Credit Card

Information is processed securely through VISA, MC. AMEX, Discover or Paypal.
Credit Card Processing Fees are 3.00%. If you would like to cover these fees so your entire donation is allocated to the Scholarship Fund click below.
Professing Fees *
Processing Fees Amount (Click Calculate):
Processing Fees Amount (Click Calculate)

Thank you!

Tom, Peter and Susan and the family of Jane Doe are very grateful for your generous contribution

List of Lasting Memory Scholarship Program Sponsors

Sponsors of the Lasting Memory Scholarship Program help to reduce operating expenses and make your contributions more valuable
Lasting Memory Scholarship Program Sponsors
AAA Company                           BBB Company                             CCC Company
DDD Compaby                          EEE Company                              FFFCompany
GGG Company                          HHH Company                             III Company
JJJ Company                             KKK Company                             LLL Company
MMM Company

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