Lasting Memory Scholarship Program Sponsor and Grant Registration


Type of Sponsor

Are you a Provider or a Sponsor?
Select Type of Entity: *
A Provider is involved in organizing or funding a Lasting Menorey Scholarship Program for family members, suchas a funeral home. A Sponsor supports the overall concept and development of the Lasting Memory Scholarhip Program as a service with a financial grant, but does not get involved in contribution funding of a specific scholarship program.
Type of Lasting Memory Scholarship Program Providerr *
Type of Lasting Memory Scholarship Grant Sponsor *
Type of Company or Organization *

Tax Deductibility

Sponsor Grants and both Provider Contributions and Contributor donations may be tax deductible. Check with your attorney, or accountant.

Registration and Grant Proposal

Company Sponsor Grant *
Sponsors are listed in brochure and forms
Registration and Grant Proposal
Upon completion of Registration you will receive a grant proposal for sponsoring a Lasting Memory Scholarship Fund
Registration (Read Below) *
By registering as a Sponsor, you agree to to share your contact information with the users and consent to receive email and direct mail communications from users and us. To stop communications please refer to our opt-out procedures provided in any future e-mail or direct mail communication.
We are not providing financial, investment or insurance advice; nor are we solicting investment or insurance business. We are not responsible for the opinion or business practices of any of the companies listed in the directory and their opinion is soley their own views on subject matter.
Upon approval of registration you will be billed the annual $500 fee.
Authorization (Write signature with your mouse below) *


Payment should be sent to:
Lasting Memory Organization
Payment Processing
162 Campus Drive
Cobleskill, NY 12043