Convening Evaluation Form

Please fill out the Deaconess Center's Evaluation Form after your event concludes. Your feedback is an important tool used to evaluate the convening and the convening request process. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the evaluation and for hosting your event with us.  


Section 1 - Convening Request Process

The Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being (DCCW) was the first Center I approached for my convening.
I heard about the DCCW as a convening space though
The website for DCCW was useful and provided helpful information.
I understood the process and guidelines on how to request a convening space at DCCW.
The convening space request form was easy to access and fill out.
Communication with DCCW staff was timely and supportive.

Section 2 - The Convening Space

The convening space and common space was adequate for our convening’s needs.
The room layout worked well for our convening’s needs and goals.
DCCW campus is a welcoming and safe environment.

Section 3 - The Convening

We had enough time for set up and clean up for our convening.
The convening met our organizations goals and helped advance our mission.
Hosting my convening at DCCW increased my organization’s efficiency.
Hosting my convening at DCCW increased my organization’s effectiveness.
I would submit a request to use Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being (DCCW) for future convening.