Deaconess Center Caregiver Interest Form

Thanks for your interest in providing childcare as an independent contractor at the Deaconess Center for Child Well-Being.


Please completed the Interest Form below along with a completed W-9. After your interest from is submitted, Deaconess Foundation will request a personal background check. You will receive an e-mail from "Justifacts" requesting your authorization to run a personal background check. Once authorized, the background check typically processes in 2-3 business days. Once the background check is completed, Deaconess Foundation will ask you to attend an in-person group orientation. After you have completed the required orientations, Deaconess Foundation will add you to the e-mail listserv where you will be emailed upcoming childcare opportunities at Deaconess Center. Sign up for childcare opportunities are first come, first-serve basis. 


Independent contractors for childcare at Deaconess Center will be paid an hourly rate of $20/hour paid via check. At the end of each shift, contractors will sign invoice detailing the number of hours worked. Invoices will be processed weekly. Note: If an independent contractor receives more than $600 in a calendar year from an institute, they are required to be sent a Form 1099-MISC and self-report their own taxes to the IRS.

Are you at least 18 years of age? *
Days and times available to provide child care *
Do you give permission to Deaconess Center to perform a personal background check? *

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