Deepwater Industries Federal Credit Union

Deepwater, NJ 08023 -0042


Married Applicants: May apply for a seperate account.
Individual Credit: You must complete the Applicant section about yourself and the Other section about your spouse if:
  1. you live in or the property pledged as collateral is located in a community property state (AK, AZ, CA, ID, LA, NM, NV, TX, WA, WI),
  2. your spouse will use the account, or
  3. you are relying on your spouses's income as a basis for repayment. If you are relying on income from alimony, child support, or seperate maintenance, complete the Other section to the extent possible about the person on whose payments you are relying.
Joint Credit: Each Applicant must individually complete the appropriate section below. If Co-Borrower is spouse of the Applicant, mark the Co-Applicant box.
Guarantor: Complete the Other section if you are a guarantor on an account/loan.
(Including ATM/Debit Card Access to the Account if Available)


Are you interested in having your loan protected?
If you answer "yes", then the credit union will disclose the cost to protect your loan. The protection is voluntary and does not affect your loan approval. In order for your loan to be covered, you will need to sign a seperate application that explains the terms and conditions.


Complete for Joint Credit, Secured Credit, or if you live in a Community Property State:


Notice: Alamony, Child Support, Or Seperate Maintenance Income need not be revealed if you do not choose to have it considered.
Military: Is duty station transfer expected during the year



Complete for Joint Credit, Secured Credit, or if you live in a Community Property State:


Notice: Alamony, Child Support, Or Seperate Maintenance Income need not be revealed if you do not choose to have it considered.
Military: Is duty station transfer expected during the year


Secured by Formsite