Arts Council Image Bank Submission

Because the images must be usable for publication and web display, we ask that files be formatted as follows.

All files must be

  1. Submitted in a digital format,
  2. Of good quality e.g. of sufficient resolution to distinguish features, in focus, and contain a clear subject with no unnecessary background,
  3. In a .jpg file format,
  4. Scan resolution should be at least 300 dpi to ensure good quality reproduction,
  5. All images must be accompanied with good quality metadata (descriptive tags). You will be prompted to enter this information on upload of your images.


By submitting photographs to the Arts Council Image Bank you are agreeing to the following terms.

  1. You are agreeing that the image can be used by the Arts Council on a royalty-free basis, for non-commercial uses and media,
  2. You are agreeing that images may be cropped,
  3. You represent that you either own all rights in the image, or have permission from its rightful owner(s), necessary for you to permit such image uses,
  4. If any persons are identifiable in the images, you warrant that you have written authorisation from the subjects for the use of their likenesses,
  5. Where children are identifiable in the images, you warrant you have followed the Arts Council guidelines for taking and using images of children and young people in the arts sector (554 KB, PDF), 
  6. Images may appear in media and where possible will be accompanied by the designated credit information.

I agree that this image can be used by the Arts Council on a royalty-free basis, for non-commercial uses and media. *
I accept the terms and conditions for submission of images to the Arts Council image bank. *