(Our trip giveaway will be put on hold as well)

Dear Followers and Supporters,

As the founder of our travel company, I wanted to take a moment to address the current situation in Palestine and share some important decisions we've made as a business.

We are acutely aware of the ongoing challenges and injustices faced by the Palestinian people. The events unfolding in this region have left me profoundly moved and speechless. In times like these, it's crucial that we not only acknowledge the pain and suffering but also take a stand for what is right.

Given the gravity of the situation in Palestine, we have made a collective decision as a company. We will not be promoting our trips or sharing photos from current trips on our platforms. We firmly believe that respecting the land and the people who call it home is of utmost importance.

While other companies, travel-related or not may continue to operate as usual, we have chosen a different path. We will not sell any additional spots on our 2024 trips until further notice. It doesn't feel right to celebrate travel when a group of people is fighting for their very survival.

Our stance is not one of indifference but of empathy and solidarity. We stand with those who are struggling for their rights, dignity, and freedom. We believe in amplifying their voices and advocating for a just resolution to the conflicts in the region.

We understand that our decision may not align with everyone's views, and that's okay. We respect diverse opinions. If our stance doesn't resonate with you, we kindly ask that you unfollow our channels.

In these trying times, let us remember the importance of compassion, empathy, and humanity. Together, we can contribute to a more just and peaceful world.

With heartfelt solidarity,

Cole Banks
Founder, Sisters Traveling Solo 
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