Employee Status Change Form

To be filled out by management staff when an employee's pay rate, role or status is updated within the company.   
New hire roles & starting pay rates should be submitted using this form.   
Employees who are terminated or put on "Hiatus" status. 
Employees who convert from W9 to W4 status
Please notate whether or not the employee will drive as they will need to be added to our Fleet account, and if they should be issued an access fob.
HR will submit All pay rate changes to Mike for approval before they are submitted to Accouting.
Please Note:   Pay rate changes will be put into affect on the start of the next pay period (Either the 1st or the 16th of the month.)   Pay rates are not adjusted mid-pay period.    This also applied to any contracted compensation such as commission structure or salary rates.
New hires & terminations will be processed immediately.   W9 to W4 Conversions are processed at the start of the next pay period (Either the 1st or the 16th of the month.)
House Roles (Operating @ Encore Catering) *
Event Roles: *
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