Each Key Club in good standing in the New York District may select two delegates and two alternates to represent their club at the 2025 caucus and House of Delegates at the annual Leadership Training Conference.  Delegates will elect the leaders of the New York District Key Club and vote on any proposed amendments to the bylaws.

This delegate certificate of election must be completed and submitted via this online portal no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, March 24, 2025.  This certifies that the persons named have been selected as delegates by the club.

At the Conference there will be a credentials desk where each elected registered delegate will be confirmed and given credentials which will allow entry into the caucuses and the House of Delegates.

Club Information

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the listed members of the following Key Club are the duly elected delegates and alternates of this club to the New York District Key Club Leadership Training Conference.

Delegate Information

Note:  Any club and/or delegate delinquent in the payment of international or district dues shall be considered not in good standing and will not be permited to vote at either the caucus or the House of Delegates.