Post Applied for

Personal Details


General Information

1. Are you legally authorised to work in the UK? *
2. If applying for a part time role, what days are you available?
3. Do you have a driving licence?
If you have a driving licence, is it clean?
4. Do you have any previous criminal convictions? *


Please list all educational qualifications obtained, GCSEs, GNVQs, A Levels, degrees etc.


2. Have you suffered from any major illnesses or injuries in the last ten years? *
4. Are you willing to have a medical examination if required?
5. Are you currently receiving any medical treatment and/or taking any medication? *
6. Are you aware of any medical problems which may impair your ability to undertake your duties both safely and to the required standard? *

Employment History

Employer 1
May we contact?
Employer 2
May we contact?
Employer 3
May we contact?


Please give details of persons who are willing to give you a reference - one of which should be your present or last employer, if applicable.

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3


If you have any holidays, training courses, part time employment, or any other activities that will interfere with you performing your duties?

Relevant Experience and Other Information


The information provided on this form will be treated as confidential and used for recruitment/selection purposes. Where the application is successful the company may, from time to time thereafter, wish to process this information (as updated periodically) for personnel administration and business purposes. Where this happens, processing, whether by means of a computer or otherwise, will take place in accordance with the terms of the Data Protection Act. By accepting this decleration, you will be providing Arrow Precision Manufacturing Limited/Powerball Limited/Powerball Outdoor Activities Limited with your consent to these uses.

I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all particular and information I have given are complete and true.

I understand that any false declaration or misleading information or any significant omission may disqualify me from any employment and/or render me liable to dismissal.

I understand that any job offer is subject to satisfactory references are a probationary period and (If the company believes it appropriate) a statutory medical report.

Note: Arrow Precision Manufacturing Limited/Powerball Limited/Powerball Outdoor Activities Limited reserves the right, at any time, to check on any experience, achievements, qualifications and skills claimed by you on this application form, or at an interview. By agreeing to this declaration you will be giving your agreement for us to undertake such checks and confirm that you will co-operate with any such investigations.
I have read and accept the above declaration *
 All fields with a * are required to submit the form.


Where did you learn about the vacancy?

Data security

    By submitting this form, you expressly agree that the information gathered on this form is collected, used and stored securely using the services of Formsite and by us in accordance with our privacy policy (available on our website).
   Formsite visitors are protected by the European Union’s  General data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, or "GDPR").