This claim form should be completed by the authorised senior officer of the forum (or grant holding organisation) that signed the Conditions of Grant for the 2024/25 application and returned to Contact by pressing the 'submit' button below when complete.

Contact is the contracted partner of the Department for Education (DfE) and administers the parent carer participation grant on their behalf. If your forum’s proposed spend has changed from that on your approved 2024/25 grant application, please check with your regional adviser that your amended plans still meet the Conditions of Grant before going ahead. The amount claimed will also need to be accounted for at year-end as part of the total grant payment, supported by invoices and receipts.

Please be aware that your forum’s 2023/24 monitoring has to be approved before you can apply for your additional claim payment.


The deadline to apply is 22nd November 2024. No second tranche applications will be accepted after this date.

Additional Claim 2024/25

Forum health and effectiveness

We’d like to know a little about how your forum has fared throughout this year. Has anything impacted upon your expected progress, or have you encountered significant challenges?
Amount to be claimed

The amount you can apply for on your 2nd tranche application is minus the confirmed underspend in your grant monitoring 2023/24. For example if you had a £1000 underspend and you applied for the full £17,500 then you will only be able to apply for 7750 for your 2nd tranche. (£8750 - £1000)

Your Grant monitoring approval letter will confirm what you can apply for.

If your bank details have changed since you submitted your 2024/25 grant application please do let us know BEFORE applying for your 2nd tranche payment.  Email 
You have an underspend therefore you should be applying for less than half your grant. Please refer to your grant monitoring approval letter if you are unsure.
Forum and Signatory details
1.5: by clicking agree I confirm that I, the named person in field 1.3, certify that:
the above claim is made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant funding agreement for forum named in field 1.1 above;
the grant received and spent has been used wholly for the purposes for which it was given;
the amount of grant claimed on this form represents expenditure incurred or to be incurred for the purposes for which grant is given; and
I am the signatory on the Conditions of Grant for the 2024/25 parent carer participation grant application
You will be emailed a copy of the form, with a PDF attachment, once you click submit.
As you have already applied for the grant and agreed that you have understood our GDPR privacy statement there is no need to agree again, as we will already hold the details above in relation to the grant.