2024-25 Joint Contact and NNPCF Conference

Thank you for your interest in attending this year's conference in Northampton on
Tuesday 4th February 2025.

To book your place, please fill out the information below.
Do you have consensus from your forum to attend? *
We will be disseminating the material from this event to those who cannot attend. Can you confirm you are able to cascade relevant information to other members of your PCF and region? *

The Contact & NNPCF 2024-25 National Event on 4th February 2025 may be filmed and/or live streamed to a virtual audience. Following on from the event individual sessions will be edited and saved to YouTube for those who were unable to attend during the day and to form a suite of lasting learning sessions for future viewing.

As part of this process your image/s (or voice) may be captured on film or by photograph to help us continue our work supporting families with disabled children and to evidence the impact of parent carer forums. We may use these images in printed publications and on Contact, NNPCF (National Network of Parent Carer Forums,) conference planning partners or sponsors (DfE and NHS England) websites, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts.

We need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of you. Please complete the form below to indicate you consent for your image to be captured. Please note that if you prefer not to consent, we will ensure that you are positioned away from the view of any cameras on the day.

I am happy for Contact, NNPCF, our conference planning partners or any sponsors to use any still photographs, and/or audio footage, and/or video footage depicting myself in the following ways:

In printed publications that we produce for promotional and marketing and educational purposes, on our website/YouTube site, on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, published in the press (for example in newspaper articles, television interviews, radio interviews, or to publicise same) or in our newsletters (paper, email or online)? *
I am happy for my name and position in the parent carer forum/organisation to be used *

We aim to use images for a maximum of five years. However, where images are used in a printed publication, these may be in circulation for longer. The guidelines we will adhere to when using photographs at the bottom of this form.

Conditions of Use.

We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, or telephone or fax numbers on video, on our website, social media, or in our other printed publications.
We may use group photographs or footage with very general labels, such as ‘National Event’ or ‘Networking of Parent Carer Forum members.’
Websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies.
Your consent will be recorded on Contact’s Management Information System and will be retained no longer than is necessary for the purpose the data was obtained for.
You can read Contact’s privacy/GDPR policy at https://contact.org.uk/privacy and the NNPCF policy at http://www.nnpcf.org.uk/website-policies/ .
You may withdraw your consent at any time by calling 020 7608 8700 or email dp@contact.org.uk.
The privacy statement of Formsite, which is the online platform that the booking form is completed and held on, is available here - https://www.formsite.com/privacy.html  
I have read and understood the above conditions of use. *
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