Normal Human Relations Commission Nomination Form - ADULT MLK Award

Nomination for the
2025 Normal Human Relations Commissions
Adult  MLK Award

The Bloomington Human Relations Commission has established this award to recognize the achievements of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to human relations in the City of Bloomington.

Nomination Criteria - Who is Eligible

1. The nominee must be a resident of Normal
2. The activity for which the individual is being nominated must be not-for-profit and not a part of their job.
3. Self-nominations will not be accepted
4. Normal Human Relations Commission staff, family members, and past winners are not eligible

Selection Criteria

A demonstrated commitment to improving cooperation and fostering mutual respect among people
of different racial, ethnic, religious, and other backgrounds.

Nomination Process

Complete the nomination form. Nominations will be judged solely on the responses to questions on the nomination form; no supporting materials will be accepted.

Commissioners will review the nominations and determine the award winner.

Questions? Contact: Tony Jones 309 242-4049 


NOTE: Once you create an account, you can start a nomination and come back later to complete it.

Save & Return

Save your progress and complete this form later. (optional)

Nominator Information

Is the nominee aware that you are nominating them for this award?

Nominee Information

Comment / Misc.

Nomination Questions

Confirmation of accuracy

I agree that the information provided on this nomination form is true and accurate. I also agree that if any information provided is not true the nomination will be void. *